My Lamination Silicone Lash Pads (Blue/Pink)

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Silicone Lash pads kit for eyelash lamination.

A set of 5 pairs in different sizes (S, M, XM, L, XL).

Each pair have individual shapes for the right and left eyes, creating a symmetrical, expressive curl (1 - for the right eye, 2 - for the left eye).

They fit perfectly on the eyelid in the corners of the eyes, gently and securely staying in place. The rollers have a textured surface, which is minimally prone to staining and hardly changes color during use!

Blue silicone pads help to create a special curles with a lifting effect, making the eyes appear more open without a pronounced roundness effect.

Pink silicone pads help to create a classic rounded curl without the lifting effect.

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